Extra Info

 LINKS TO KEY DOCUMENTS (for our students, tutors and companions)
These are documents which have previously been circulated by email and for which you may have mislaid the link.

Fashion show entry form (please email to wsdss15fashion@gmail.com)
Silent auction entry form
(please email to wsdss15auction@gmail.com)

What to bring, how to get there and Sunday registration
Campus map showing key SS2015 locations (as shown in the student guide final draft version)
Programme (as shown in the student guide final draft version)
Form for students volunteering to help (this link will close on 14 August)
Raffle prizes - linked from the Trade Fair page in this blog
Fleece Fair information - linked from the Trade Fair page in this blog
Weather forecasts (Met Office) for Leamington area and UK 

LINKS TO KEY DOCUMENTS (for Open Day visitors)

Directions to Open Day registration
Open Day talks programme with abstracts 
Information about the Certificate of Achievement
Campus map showing key SS2015 locations
Raffle prizes - on sale only at summer school and Open Day. Raffle draw at 4.40pm
Fleece Fair information
Trade Fair page in this blog
Weather forecasts (Met Office) for Leamington area and UK

 SOME ANSWERS TO FAQs (mainly for readers who are not students) ...

Are you full up yet? Can I book? Is <class> full up still?
There are currently no spare bedrooms on campus and most courses are at their maximum capacity already. To change accommodation already booked is only possible if we have a cancellation or if you find another student to switch with you. The  same is true of the courses which are full.
If you do not need accommodation and want to know what might be possible please email
wsdss15@gmail.com and be prepared to be flexible.

Next summer school?  Do we have a date and location yet?
AGWSD summer schools are biennial so the next event is in August 2017. Detail on the dates and location are already being established (as at April 2015). We will update this answer when details become public. Expect to see adverts in the Journal and on the AGWSD website during 2016.

Is there a Trade Fair? 
There is a trade fair and you can see which traders are attending on this site (see Trade Fair tab). Each trader will be donating a prize to the raffle. Look out for details of these too. We have selected a range of traders to cover the areas of Association activity and to complement the classes taught at summer school. The Fair is open to visitors on Saturday 22nd August (10am - 5pm) and this will also open to summer school students (only) on the evening of Friday 22nd.

What else is happening on Saturday 22nd August (I may wish to visit)
There will be an exhibition of work submitted by Certificate of Achievement candidates (11am - 5pm) on Saturday 22nd August. There will also be presentations about summer school and topics of interest to  guild members including displays of work by students at summer school. You can find out more about the venue on this site (see Venue tab).

Can I help?
We welcome guild members who may be able to offer stewarding or other assistance during the week. You may also want to consider placing items for auction on commission or as donations (all proceeds to the AGWSD Bursary Fund). You might even want to sponsor some aspect of summer school! Please get in contact using wsdss15@gmail.com


Association Summer Schools are held bienially  and organised regionally by AGWSD guilds across the UK.
Sculpture stands watch over experiments from Madder dyers at Carmarthen

The list below shows past summer schools and offers links to brochures for each of the past three schools.

This will give you an idea of what you can expect.

2013 Carmarthen (Link) Further photos on the AGWSD site.
2011 Edinburgh (Link)
2009 Lincoln (Link)
2007 Falmouth
2005 Chester
2003 Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire