Saturday, 4 July 2015

Will we have silkworms at Summer School?

 Here is a silkworm update from Jane Deane (tutor of Cocoons to Cloth) about the extra participants in her class. I am sure we will all be interested to see how these develop ...
Polyphemus female with new baby silk worms. Called Polyphemus because of the huge eye spot on the lower wing, after Greek one-eyed giant!
Will we have silkworms at Summer School? Well, I was beginning to worry a bit about that but I have just received some Chinese Oak Silkmoth eggs and if everyone crosses their fingers, toes, whatever, and they hatch within the next week, we might have some and they might even be spinning along with us! They may, of course, not hatch and then I'm not sure what we'll do. My Chinese Moonmoths will all have cocooned by then, and I suspect my Polyphemus caterpillars will also have tucked themselves up.

We'll just have to hope....