Not quite the
last word but a post getting you in the mood to take a 1955 theme for the last
night party and the preparations along the way. Here is Jill setting the scene and explaining the plan for preparations...
The year the
Association was established, Britain was slowly emerging from the end of
rationing which had finished the previous year. Widespread shortages of cloth,
thread and yarn which had occurred as a result of the diverting of
manufacturing resources to reconstruction were beginning to ease. The
devastation caused by the bombing of manufacturing districts was slow to repair
and this meant that supplies were often scarce and haphazard at times. Locally
produced fibres and fabrics were valued and often reused or made into something
different. The skills of ‘handwork’ were taught across the school curriculum
and considered an essential part of everyday life. ‘Make do and mend’ had a
resonance that carried through the 1950s as folk sought to make their lives
less grey and add gaiety to their ‘leisure’ time, a new concept gaining ground. |
Against this
background, and although not new, the practice of forming cooperative clubs of
like-minded crafts-people has proved to be a highly successful one. Working
together to improve practice and gain experience has allowed many people to
develop their understanding and share that with other people, be it as teachers
or practitioners. To celebrate the establishment of the Association, in a small
way, we are going to use those principles and play. The Summer School Fringe
events are designed to encourage you to share your skills with other people and
have fun along the way.
If you want to help what do you
need to do?
- Bring any clothing, shoes or scraps that you think you might need.
- Bring any fabric that is tucked away in the cupboard that can be used for dressmaking (I’ll have a few patterns and know-how) even bedsheets, curtains and tablecloths were used in the 50s for clothing. I’ll have some fabric which I’ve been squirrelling away for the purpose - if you don't bring your own materials you are asked to put a contribution in the pot for the nominal cost as I’ve used my budget to buy some at 50p - £2.00/metre.
- Bring scraps of lace, feather and any costume jewellery that can be used to make ornaments or fascinators.
- Bring your sewing kits and a pair of scissors that cut fabric. If you’ve got any 1950s style patterns, that are not too tricky, bring those - bear in mind we will have four evenings to do this and there are others distractions too.
- Bring yourself and your enthusiasm.
- Don’t forget your red lipstick, girls, and boys, bring your Brylcreem. I can do your make-up on Saturday evening for the wobbly of hand …
- I’ll bring sewing machines, interfacing, threads, pattern paper and pins.
- Any questions, just ask (once you are there) or email in advance to using 1955 in the header.